Scottish Terrier Club of Finland

Scottish Terrier Club of Finland was established in 1975 and there are more than 200 members in the club. Around 50-60 scotties are born each year. Activities of the club include open shows, championship show, grooming and breeder days. The magazine of the club ”Skotti” is published four times a year.


  • arja.tuuliniemi[at], Arja Tuuliniemi, president
  • laura.e.joensuu[at], Laura Joensuu, secretary

Finnish breeders who are members of the STC Club of Finland,  own a kennel name and have bred at least one scottish terrier litter:

Scottish terrier puppies for sale in Finland:

Each year STC of Finland organises Championship Show for Scotties. In 2024 the show will be held in Kouvola region.

Skotska terrierklubben