Espoo 20.7.2013, Tuomari: Alison Kenny, kennel Millingford, UK


UROSPENNUT  5-7 KK   (puppy – dog 5-7 months)
1. Glen Grant’s Civetta FI24320/13, s. 16.02.2013, i. Champagne Pour Tous De
Champernoune, e. Glen Grant’s Must Be The One.
Balanced puppy. Good neck & shoulders. Low to ground. Well ribbed. Ears could be neater. Tail on top. Reluctant on the move. Needs more ring training. 1

UROSPENNUT  7-9 KK   (puppy – dog 7-9 months)
2. Yes Peter Gabriel RKF3520311, s. 31.10.2012, i. Mariss Shtormovoe Preduprezhdenie, e. Arabella’s Golden Gate.
Well presented male. Well balanced masculine head. Bite could be better. Could be lower to ground. Good bone. Tail on top. Moved well. 1

NARTTUPENNUT  5-7 KK   (puppy – bitch 5-7 months)
3. Glen Grant’s Piccione FI24321/13, s. 16.02.2013, i. Champagne Pour Tous De
Champernoune, e. Glen Grant’s Must Be The One.
Balanced puppy. Feminine head. Good eyes & expression. Neat ears. Good mouth. Could be lower to ground and have more bone. Moved well but closely behind. 3

4. Serein Ranzania FI29359/13, s. 28.12.2012, i. Perhaps Sultan Of Swing,
e. Serein Muscatel.
Well balanced puppy. Feminine head. Well angulated front & rear. Short coupled. Tail on top. Moved with drive. 1 KP ROP-PENTU

5. Serein Robinia FI29360/13, s. 28.12.2012, i. Marland Rolling Stone, e. Serein
Bitch of good substance. Neat ears. Good neck & shoulders. Level topline. Well angulated rear. Tail on top. Could be closer coupled. In good coat. 2 KP

NARTTUPENNUT 7-9 KK   (puppy – bitch 7-9 months)
6. Eskwyre From Us To You AP04367203, s. 28.10.2012, i. Kingsview Just Stewart, e.
Kerribree Arizona At Eskwyre.
Very feminine bitch. Lovely head, eye, expression. Neat ears. Good bite. Level topline. Tail on top. Would prefer more width all through. Well presented. Would not move. 1

UROKSET    JUNIORILUOKKA   (junior – dog)
7. Fartovy Schegol’ Ot Bumage RKF3279586, s. 18.03.2012, i. Mariss Lagras,
e. Izjumitel’Naja Shtuchka Ot Bumage.
Well developed dog showing good  balance. Good neck & shoulders. Short coupled. Good ribs. Low to ground. Tail on top. Alert showman. Moving closely behind. A bit short on coat today. EH3

8. Flippix Madam I’m Adam FI50221/12, s. 12.08.2012, i. Filisite Brash Celebration, e.
Bartos Ultra Violet.
Dog of great bone & substance. Masculine head which could be cleaner. Would prefer straighter front. Good neck & shoulders. Well ribbed. Low to ground. Well angulated shoulder. Moved with drive but closely behind. Good coat. Well presented. ERI2 SA

9. Flippix Me And My Shadow FI50224/12, s. 12.08.2012, i. Filisite Brash Celebration, e. Bartos Ultra Violet.
Excellent type. Great bone and substance. Good width all through. Masculine head. Neat ears. Good angulation front & rear. Tail on top. Moved well. Well presented. ERI1 SA PU2 SERT ROP-JUNIORI

10. Gilmoore’s Dancing In The Dark FI48323/12, s. 29.07.2012, i. Berrybreeze Daddy Cool, e. Gilmoore’s Zsa-Zsa Kissing-Kin.
Masculine black. Good bone. Good angulation front & rear. Level topline. Would prefer straighter front. Good coat. Could be closer coupled. EH4

11. Peippa’s El Zorro FI40072/12, s. 09.06.2012, i. Quaint O’My Jacquot, e. Peippa’s
Mature dog. Well balanced. Balanced head. Good eye & expression. Well placed ears. Good angulation front & rear. Front could be wider and straighter. Would prefer slightly lower to ground. EH

12. Perhaps Seabiscuit FI25239/12, s. 18.03.2012, i. Marland Rolling Stone,
e. Perhaps Stepping Stone.
Masculine black. Balanced head. Lovely eye and expression. Correct bite. Would prefer straighter front and more width all through. Level topline. Tail on top. Showed well. EH

13. Tartan Style Dynamite FI33680/12, s. 05.05.2012, i. Ayrzol Hufflepuff, e. Marland Unison. Well presented. Lovely head & expression. Small, neat ears. Good neck & shoulders. Would prefer he was not out at elbows, and lower to ground. EH

UROKSET   NUORTEN LUOKKA   (intermediate – dog)
14. McVan’s New Deal FI42580/12, s. 07.01.2012, i. Greatscot’s Roadshow, e. McVan’s
Northern Lights.
Well balanced. Clean head. Good eye. Neat ears. Poor bite. Would prefer more width all through, and lower to ground. Tail on top. Good coat. Good showman. Front could be better. EH3

15. Sandinista Sometimesoneisenough FI14744/12, s. 19.12.2011, i. Perhaps Storm Warning, e. Peabar Exquisite.
Masculine black. Neat ears. Head could be cleaner. Good bite. In good coat. Moving closely behind. EH2

16. Sirkiss Sparkling Gold FI21086/12  HeJW-12, JV-12, s. 14.02.2012, i. Sirkiss Sleight
Of Hand, e. Filisite Brash Irisia To Sirkiss.
Masculine brindle. Great bone & substance. Good neck. Masculine head. Good bite. Pleasing neck and shoulders. Could be closer coupled. Tail on top. Moved well but closely behind. EH1

UROKSET    AVOIN LUOKKA   (open – dog)
17. Berrybreeze Daddy Cool  FI27331/11, s. 07.10.2010, i. Berrybreeze Reckless Eric,
e. Berrybreeze Miss Dynamite.
Quality male. Masculine head. Neat ears. Good eye and expression. Excellent bite. Well angulated both ends. Low to ground. Excellent coat. Moved and showed well. Slightly out at elbow. ERI1 SA PU4 VARASERTTI

18. Blue Moonlight On The Stage FI21749/11, s. 14.02.2011, i. Lucky Star’s Mr. Marlon,
e. Blue Moonlight Madame Butterfly.
Very masculine black with good bone and substance. Masculine head. Lovely eye and expression. Neat ears. Good shoulder. Could be lower to ground and closer coupled. In lovely coat. EH4

19. Fionn’s As Good As It Gets EST-03465/09  EST JCH, C.I.B &EST&LV&LT&BALT CH, s. 14.08.2009, i. Raglan Rufus, e. Hocline’s Jackpot.
Masculine black. Good bone & substance. Small neat ears. Good eye & expression. Well ribbed. Short coupled. Level topline. Tail on top. Slightly out at elbow. Well presented coat. ERI2 SA

20. Flippix Jolly Roger FI13090/11, s. 10.12.2010, i. Flippix Gumshoe Simon, e. Bartos Ultra Violet.
Masculine black of lovely type. Well balanced. Good bone & substance. Good eye & expression. Good neck & shoulders. Powerful rear. Front could be better.  ERI3 SA

21. Hocline’s Unwritten Law EST-01073/11, s. 21.02.2011, i. Gilmoore’s Voltaire, e. Hocline’s Rhiannon.
Balanced dog. Good head and expression. Level topline. Harsh coat. Front could be better, and could be lower to ground. Not happy on the move today. EH

22. Misting’s Newsman FI42420/09, s. 23.06.2009, i. Ashenberry Sparks Fly To
Champernoune, e. Misting’s Ice Flower.
Good showman. Well balanced. Level topline. Front could be better. Good width behind and powerful. Moving closely behind. EH

23. Perhaps Sex On Duty FI13187/09, s. 10.12.2008, i. Ashenberry Sparks Fly To
Champernoune, e. Filisite Brash Amberly Cap-A-Pie Pe.
Alert dog of good type. Good bone & substance. Short coupled. Front could be better. Short of coat. Good showman. EH

UROKSET   VALIOLUOKKA   (champion – dog)
24. Bartos Ultra Max FIN39460/08  FI CH, s. 06.06.2008, i. Zito vom Landsberg,
e. Bartos Rose Royce.
Excellent type. Good bone & substance. Well angulated front & rear. Good eye & expression. Level topline. Well presented. Tail on top. Slightly out at elbow. Moved well. ERI3 SA

25. Brueik Summa Creation FIN53406/07  C.I.B&POHJ&FI&SE&IE&NO CH EUW-09,
s. 05.11.2006, i. Berrybreeze Ilumination, e. Brueik Summabreeze.
Quality male. Well angulated. In excellent coat. Good bone. Well developed quarters. Level topline. Would prefer sligthly more ribbing. ERI

26. Champagne Pour Tous De Champernoune FI24314/13  C.I.B FI&GR&IT&ME&SM CH, s. 09.06.2007, i. Addicted To De Champernoune, e. Penjetta Unlimited Edition For Champernoune. Quality wheaten. Lovely eye & expression. Well balanced. Good depth. Well ribbed. Powerful quarters. Pleasing neck & shoulder. Tail on top. Good showman. ERI

27. Gilmoore’s Vanilla Ice FIN11515/06  FI CH, s. 16.11.2005, i. Rhum Mactavish,
e. Gilmoore’s Twinkle In Your I.
Pleasing type. Good bone & substance. Short coupled. Low to ground. Head could be cleaner. A little reluctant on the move today. ERI

28. Glen Grant’s Must Ang FI39614/10  FI CH, s. 11.03.2010, i. Gilmoore’s Victor Hugo,
e. Raijaj Must.
Pleasing type. Good bone & substance. Low to ground. Powerful quarters. Harsh coat. Slightly out at elbow and lethargic on the move today. ERI

29. Lucky Star’s Mr. Marlon FI15609/09  C.I.B &FI&SE&EE CH, s. 15.05.2008, i. Stuane Lock Smith, e. Lucky Star’s Midnight Lady.
Super for type. Excellent bone & substance. Lovely head & expression. Short coupled. Tail on top. Powerful quarters. In lovely coat. ERI

30. Quaint O’My Jacquot FI58585/09  FI&EE CH, JV-10, HeW-12, V-12, s. 10.10.2009, i. Tamzin Mr Prospector, e. Quaint Louisa May.
Pleasing type. Beautifully presented. Lovely neck & shoulders. Level topline. Well set tail. Disappointing in front. Powerful quarters. ERI4 SA

31. Rantin Reiver’s Wish Me Fame EST-04009/08  BALT JCH, C.I.B &EST&FI&LV&LT&BALT CH, LT JW’09, EST JW’09, ESTW’13, s. 17.04.2008, i. Sir Darnley’s Magical Mascot, e. Gulabin’s Playing Promise.
Pleasing type. Good head & expression. Good width. Could be closer coupled. Powerful quarters used on the move. In excellent coat. ERI

32. Sirkiss Set In Stone FI10423/10  FI CH, s. 11.11.2009, i. Lucky Star’s Mr. Marlon,
e. Berrybreeze Sugar Babe.
Good type. Well presented. Balanced head. Poor bite. Low to ground. Would prefer more ribbing. Maintains topline on the move. Showed well. EH

33. Sirkiss Sleight Of Hand FIN36282/08  C.I.B FI&SE&NO&POHJ CH, s. 03.03.2008,  i. Berrybreeze Reckless Eric, e. Berrybreeze Ericmar Black Frost.
Excellent type. Very well balanced. Lovely angulation. Good bone & substance. In super coat. Powerful quarters. Tail on top. Moved well. Slightly out at elbow. ERI1 SA PU1 ROP

34. Sirkiss Solid As A Rock FI10424/10  FI&SE&LV CH, Vilnan V-12, s. 11.11.2009,i. Lucky Star’s Mr. Marlon, e. Berrybreeze Sugar Babe.
Excellent type. Good bone. Lovely outline. Excels in neck and shoulder. Good width behind. Moves well. Good showman. ERI2 SA PU3

35. Tartan Style Countryman FI27893/11  FI&SE CH, s. 28.03.2011, i. Sirkiss Solid As A
Rock, e. Marland Unison.
Quality dog. Good for type. Well presented coat. Masculine head. Lovely neck & shoulder. Powerful quarters. Good mover & showman. ERI

36. Perhaps Storm Warning FIN11700/05  FI CH, s. 08.12.2004, i. Danskots Dexterous,
e. Perhaps Summer In The City.
Masculine black in lovely condition for age. Front and bite could be better. In lovely coat. Could be lower to ground. Good showman. EH3

37. Raglan Rufus EST-02883/04  EUW-07, S W-07, ESTW-06-09, EST VetW-13, FINW-06, BALTW-06, -09, BALTER W-06, -09, -12, BALTER VetW-12, NORD JW-05, EST JW-05, C.I.B, EST&FIN&S&LV&HR&RUS CH, EST&LV JCH, EST VET CH,
s. 22.07.2004, i. Sweet Romeo Du Moulin De Mac Gregor, e. Raglan Royal Prospect.
Handsome male. Excellent for type and condition. Lovely head, eye & expression. Excellent neck & shoulders. Level topline. Powerful quarters. Front could be better. ERI1 SA ROP-VETERAANI

38. Rhum Mactavish FIN51183/04  C.I.B FI&EE&SE CH, s. 26.08.2004, i. Raglan Roslin
Williams, e. Rhum Take A Chance On Me.
Masculine dog. Clean head. Neat ears. Well balanced. Tail on top. Good bite. Moved well but feeling the heat today. ERI2

NARTUT   JUNIORILUOKKA   (junior – bitch)
39. Blue Moonlight Penelope FI30001/12, s. 26.04.2012, i. Sirkiss Sleight Of Hand,
e. Blue Moonlight Kristly.
Feminine black. Lovely head & expression. Good bite. In lovely coat. Front could be better. Moved well. Would like more drive to the rear. Good showgirl. ERI4

40. Flippix Miss In The Mirror FI50227/12, s. 12.08.2012, i. Filisite Brash Celebration, e. Bartos Ultra Violet.
Balanced bitch. Well balanced head. Would prefer better eye and lower to ground. Pleasing neck and shoulder. Tail on top. A little erratic on the move. EH

41. Frja Takaja Ot Bumage RKF3279588, s. 18.03.2012, i. Mariss Lagras, e. Izjumitel’
Naja Shtuchka Ot Bumage.
Good type of bitch. Well presented coat. Close coupled but would prefer her deeper. Moved and showed well if a little close behind. Tail on top. ERI3

42. Gilmoore’s Do Love You FI48320/12, s. 29.07.2012, i. Berrybreeze Daddy Cool, e. Gilmoore’s Zsa-Zsa Kissing-Kin.
Bitch of good type. Good head & expression. Correct bite. Neat ears. Well developed body. Good width all through. Tail on top. Moved and showed quite well. ERI

43. Gilmoore’s Domino Effect FI48321/12, s. 29.07.2012, i. Berrybreeze Daddy Cool, e. Gilmoore’s Zsa-Zsa Kissing-Kin.
Lovely type of bitch. Very feminine, well balanced head. Good bite. Neat ears which she uses. In lovely coat. Could be lower to ground. Level topline. Moved well if a little close behind. ERI1 SA VSP-JUNIORI

44. Misting’s Upbeat FI29281/12, s. 19.04.2012, i. Lucky Star’s Mr. Marlon, e. Misting’s Katarina. Feminine head. Good harsh coat. Bite and front could be better. Good showgirl. Would prefer lower to ground. EH

45. Misting’s Vintage EST-01052/13  EST JW-13, EST JCH, s. 06.08.2012, i. Lucky   Star’s Mr. Marlon, e. Marland Rock Crystal.
An energetic bitch of good type. Good body and depth. Good bite. Would prefer better expression. Moves well. Very short of coat. EH

46. Misting’s Vineyard FI48286/12, s. 06.08.2012, i. Lucky Star’s Mr. Marlon, e. Marland Rock Crystal.
Bitch of good type. Lovely head & expression. Good bite. Elbows placed nicely under body. Tail on top. Good neck & shoulders. Moved well but did not use her tail. Could be lower to ground. ERI

47. Peippa’s Empress FI40073/12, s. 09.06.2012, i. Quaint O’My Jacquot, e. Peippa’s Dorothea.
Well boned bitch. Good bite. Could be lower to ground. Coat harsh but could be better presented. Could be closer coupled. Nice tail. Moving closely behind. EH

48. Peippa’s Evergreen FI40074/12, s. 09.06.2012, i. Quaint O’My Jacquot, e. Peippa’s Dorothea. Bitch with feminine head & keen expression. Good bite. Front could be better. Well placed ears. Could be closer coupled. Showed well but moving closely in front and behind. EH

49. Perhaps Scarlet Pimpernell FI39438/12, s. 30.05.2012, i. Gilmoore’s Victor Hugo, e.
Tweed True Rose. POISSA.

50. Sirkiss She Made Me Wait FI21087/12  HeJV-12, s. 14.02.2012, i. Sirkiss Sleight Of
Hand, e. Filisite Brash Irisia To Sirkiss.
Quality bitch. Good head. Bite could be better. Good neck & shoulders. Low to ground. Well developed body. Showed well. Moved well in profile but closely behind. ERI2 SA

51. Tartan Style Dahlia FI33678/12, s. 05.05.2012, i. Ayrzol Hufflepuff, e. Marland Unison.
Bitch of good type. Nice well balanced feminine head. Lovely eye & expression. Good mouth. Pleasing angulation but could be lower to ground. Well ribbed. Tendency to bounce on the move and moved closely behind. Could be closer coupled. ERI

NARTUT    NUORTEN LUOKKA   (intermediate – bitch)
52. Marland Fairy Queen EST-03740/11, s. 30.08.2011, i. Marland Xannon, e. Marland Yalda Yolana.
Wheaten bitch of excellent type. Pleasing feminine head. Uses her ears well. Lovely eye, expression & front. Well ribbed with good depth. Short tail on top. Moved well in profile but a little close behind. Needs more training on the move. ERI1 SA ROP-NUORI

53. Quaint Piccadilly FI54731/11  JV-12, s. 14.09.2011, i. Tamzin Mr Prospector, e. Quaint Nuez Moscado.
Bitch of good type. Good bone. Well ribbed. Level topline. Would prefer better front. Well presented. Tail on top. Could be lower to ground. Moving closely behind. ERI2 SA

54. Sarafiinan Aamu FI57935/11, s. 25.10.2011, i. Sirkiss Sleight Of Hand, e. Marland
Nicely presented bitch. Pleasing head. Good eye, expression & bite. Good elbows. Low to ground. Tail on top. Moved well in profile but closely behind. ERI3

NARTUT    AVOIN LUOKKA   (open – bitch)
55. Bartos Whisper FI20394/11  JV-11, s. 13.02.2011, i. Quaint O’My Jacquot,
e. Bartos Ultra Daisy.
Bitch of pleasing type. Feminine head. Good bite. Ears could be better placed. Good shoulders. Could be slightly lower to ground and would prefer better front and slightly shorter coupled. In lovely coat. Moved well in profile but closely behind. ERI

56. Filisite Brash Mc’Evoy Trish RKF2961277, s. 23.01.2011, i. Filisite Brash Celebration, e. Unona.
Bitch of lovely type. Lovely head & expression. Good bite. Very neat ears. Good neck & shoulders. Level topline. Moved well but not using her tail. Very well balanced bitch. ERI2 SA VARASERT

57. Glen Grant’s Too Hot To Handle FI46675/11, s. 19.06.2011, i. Perhaps Sin City, e. Glen Grant’s In My Pants.
Bitch of good substance. Good width all through. Balanced head. Good bite. Would prefer better rear angulation and coat presentation. Not happy on the move. EH

58. Misting’s Tennesee Walz FI43377/11, s. 01.07.2011, i. Sirkiss Sleight Of Hand, e. Misting’s Mammamia.
Feminine bitch. Good bone & substance. Pleasing head, eye & expression. Neat ears. Good forechest. A little short on undercoat. Tail on top. Moves closely behind. ERI3

59. Peippa’s Danielle FI26552/10, s. 17.03.2010, i. Flippix Gumshoe Simon, e. Peippa’s Chansonette.
Feminine bitch. Lovely head, eye, expression. Good bite. Front could be better. Could be lower to ground. Good body proportions. Not showing with much enthusiasm on the move. EH

60. Perhaps Standing Ovation FI47147/11, s. 03.06.2007, i. Sansibiliti Spy Who Loved Me, e. Perhaps Sex On Stage.
Feminine bitch of good type. Pleasing head. Good bite. Good ribs. Low to ground. Good outline. Tail on top. Moved well when settled. Good showgirl. ERI1 SA PN4 SERT

61. Perhaps Stricktly Ballroom FI19911/11, s. 08.02.2011, i. Ayrzol Hufflepuff, e. Perhaps Stepping Stone.
Bitch of pleasing type. Long feminine head. Lovely eye & expression. Good depth of body. Powerful quarters. Well ribbed. Moved well. ERI

62. Rhum Christmas Ivy FI17590/11, s. 25.12.2010, i. Melscot Heron At Raglan, e.
e. Rhum Love Forever.
Bitch of good type. Well balanced. Good ribs & substance. Good bite. Pleasing eye. Could be lower to ground and slightly shorter coupled. Moved well. ERI

63. Rhum Riddle’n Rose FI47714/10, s. 22.06.2010, i. Brueik Summa Creation, e. Rhum Teaspoon. Bitch of good type. Pleasing head, eye, expression. Good bite. Lovely front, width & depth all through. Good quarters. Moves well but does not use her tail on the move. ERI.

64. Sladka Yagodka Ot Bumage RKF2989666, s. 18.03.2011, i. Zito vom Landsberg,
e. Skotish Tauer Je’Ador.
Bitch of good type. Well balanced, feminine. Feminine head. Good eye & bite. Could be lower to ground. Level topline. Good showgirl. ERI4.

65. Tartan Style Chili Pepper FI27895/11, s. 28.03.2011, i. Sirkiss Solid As A Rock, e.
Marland Unison.
Feminine bitch. Lovely head & expression. Uses her ears. Good bite. Good bone. Harsh coat but lacking in undercoat. Could be lower to ground. Shows well. ERI.

NARTUT    VALIOLUOKKA   (champion – bitch)
66. Bartos Ultra Violet FIN39462/08  C.I.B FI&EE CH, EEJV-09, s. 06.06.2008, i. Zito vom Landsberg, e. Bartos Rose Royce.
Bitch of excellent type. Balanced head. Would prefer darker eye. Uses her ears. Super front, ribs, body. Powerful quarters. Tail on top. Good showgirl. ERI1 SA PN1 VSP

67. Gilmoore’s Zsa-Zsa Kissing-Kin FI40112/09  FI CH, s. 12.06.2009, i. Zito vom Landsberg, e. Gilmoore’s Twinkle In Your I.
Well presented bitch of lovely type. Good head, good bite, good width & depth all through. Well balanced. Tail on top. Moved well if a little closely behind. ERI2 SA PN2

68. Glen Grant’s In My Pants FIN23997/08 FI CH, LTJV-09, s. 17.02.2008, i. Gilmoore’s Urban Cowboy, e. Glen Grant’s Ginmind Pantson.
Substantial bitch of good type. Balanced head. Good bone & substance. Level topline. Could be lower to ground and closer coupled. Moved well if a little close behind. ERI

69. Glen Grant’s Must Be The One FI39610/10, s. 11.03.2010, i. Gilmoore’s Victor Hugo,
e. Raijaj Must.
Substantial bitch. Excellent body properties. Good depth and width all through. Balanced head but would prefer better eye. Level topline. Tail on top. Moves well keeping topline on the move. ERI.

70. Misting’s Jacaranda FIN34410/07  FI CH, s. 16.04.2007, i. Ayrzol Esquire,
e. Misting’s Xena.
Bitch of good type & substance. Pleasing outline. Balanced head. Good mouth. Tail on top. Lacking topcoat and condition today and not enthusiastic on the move. EH.

71. Misting’s One-Shot FI45758/09  FI CH, s. 26.06.2009, i. Lucky Star’s Mr. Marlon, e.
Misting’s Chantal.
Bitch of lovely type, very well balanced. Good bone, ribs & body properties. Short coupled. Tail on top. Moved well and with drive. ERI3 SA PN3

72. Misting’s Sound Of Rock FI13071/11 FI CH, s. 14.12.2011, i. Ayrzol Hufflepuff, e.
Marland Rock Crystal.
Bitch of good type. Well balanced. Good neck & shoulders. Short coupled. Excellent quarters. Low to ground. Tail on top. Good mover but not using her tail on the move. ERI

73. Peippa’s Dorothea FI26555/10  FI CH, s. 17.03.2010, i. Flippix Gumshoe Simon,
e. Peippa’s Chansonette.
Feminine bitch. Balanced head. Good eye & mouth. Front could be better and she could be shorter coupled. Would prefer better presentation. Moves well but closely in front. Well handled. ERI

74. Quaint Nuez Moscado FI14800/09  FI&DK CH, NORDJW-09, FIJW-09, FIW-09,
HeW-10, FIW-11, s. 05.01.2009, i. Brueik Summa Creation, e. Quaint Like A Spice.
Quality bitch. Pleasing outline. Well balanced. Good ribs. Level topline. Tail on top. Would prefer cleaner skull and is a little short of coat today. Well handled. ERI4 SA

75. Rhum Love Affair FIN21021/08  FI&EE CH, s. 26.12.2007, i. Rhum Super Trouper, e. Raglan Roman Lady.
Well balanced bitch. Lovely head & expression. Pleasing neck & shoulders. Leve topline. Tail on top. Showed well. Could have better front. ERI

76. Rhum Love Forever FIN21020/08  C.I.B FI&EE&SE CH, s. 26.12.2007, i. Rhum Super Trouper, e. Raglan Roman Lady.
Well balanced bitch. Feminine head. Level topline. Low to ground. Good ribs. Not using tail on the move and poor bite. EH

77. Serein Elsholtzia FI61379/10  FI CH, s. 06.11.2010, i. Brueik Summa Creation,
e. Serein Muscatel.
Substantial bitch. Good body properties. Low to ground. Does not possess quality in head & expression. Short coupled. Tail on top. Not moving with much enthusiasm. EH

NARTUT    VETERAANILUOKKA   (veteran – bitch)
78. Gilmoore’s Twinkle In Your I FIN37020/02  FI CH, s. 01.06.2002, i. Raglan Ricardo,
e. Gilmoore’s Specialdelivery.
Bitch of correct type. Well balanced. Good body properties. Good coat. Not using her tail on the move, but moved quite well. ERI3

79. Hocline’s Jackpot EST-00771/04  C.I.B &EST&LV&FIN&BLR CH, EST&LV JCH,
EST JW’05, EST W’08’13, WvW’13, s. 25.01.2004, i. Sirkiss Sterling, e. Scottish Tauer O’Sole Mio.
Bitch of lovely type. Well balanced. Feminine head. Good neck & shoulders. Short coupled. Tail on top. Moved & showed very well. ERI1 SA VSP-VETERAANI

80. Misting’s Chantal FIN51604/04  FIN CH, s. 29.10.2004, i. Rolls-Royce De Champernoune, e. Marland Sundance.
Bitch of lovely type. Well balanced. Quality head, neck, shoulder. Short coupled. Low to ground. Moved well but not using her tail when going around. ERI2

KASVATTAJALUOKKA   (breeder class)
100. FLIPPIX kennel, om. Heidi Kainulainen, Rymättylä.
Excellent type, maybe not all uniform. All low to ground with good showmanship. 3 KP
8, 9, 20, 40

101. GILMOORE’S, om. Néa Jäger, Espoo.
Three of the four are of uniform type. Good showmanship and good type. 4 KP
10, 42, 43, 67

102. GLEN GRANT’S, om. Johanna Rainio, Röykkä. POISSA

103. MISTING’S, om. Tuula Taipale, Kouvola.
Uniform group of very good type. Well handled and presented. 2 KP
58, 71, 72, 80

104. PEIPPA’S kennel, om. Eeva Hämäläinen, Lohja
Good types but all could be closer coupled. Well handled.
11, 47, 59, 73

105. PERHAPS kennel, om. Veli-Pekka Kumpumäki, Helsinki. POISSA

106. RHUM kennel, om. Pia Wind, Vantaa
Very uniform, good type, well handled.
38, 62, 63, 75

107. SIRKISS kennel, om. Sirpa Huusari, Taipalsaari. 1 KP ROP-KASVATTAJA
Lovely type and quality, very uniform. Pleasing on the eye. Excellent type.
32, 33, 34, 50

108. TARTAN STYLE kennel, om. Johanna Hokkanen, Kouvola. POISSA.

JÄLKELÄISLUOKKA   (progeny class)

200. Bartos Ultra Violet FIN39462/08  C.I.B FI&EE CH, EEJV-09, s. 06.06.2008, i. Zito vom Landsberg, e. Bartos Rose Royce.
Quality bitch producing dogs of good type. All are very uniform and well handled. 2 KP.
8, 9, 20, 40

201. Lucky Star’s Mr. Marlon FI15609/09  C.I.B &FI&SE&EE CH, s. 15.05.2008, i. Stuane Lock Smith, e. Lucky Star’s Midnight Lady.
Male producing dogs of similar type. Very uniform and a group well handled. 3 KP.
18, 34, 46, 71

202. Quaint O’My Jacquot FI58585/09  FI&EE CH, JV-10, HeW-12, V-12, s. 10.10.2009, i. Tamzin Mr Prospector, e. Quaint Louisa May. POISSA

203. Sirkiss Sleight Of Hand FIN36282/08  C.I.B FI&SE&NO&POHJ CH, s. 03.03.2008,  i. Berrybreeze Reckless Eric, e. Berrybreeze Ericmar Black Frost.
Male producing dogs of similar type. Very uniform and a group well handled. 1 KP ROP-JÄLKELÄISRYHMÄ.
39, 50, 54, 58